Returns & Cancellations Process
Cancellation of Orders within 24hrs
If you have placed an order with Miaboo Ltd through our website we provide a 24hr period of grace for cancellation. Within this period we will issue a complete refund of all monies paid.
Requests for cancellation within 24hrs of placing your order should be made in writing to clearly identifying your Miaboo order number and personal details.
Cancellation of Orders later than 24hrs
If you have purchased a product that has not been selected to be personalised we will accept your cancellation request and refund all monies if we have not already shipped your order. If we have started the shipping process we will refund all monies minus any shipping costs incurred.
Due to the nature of our product ranges being custom made in a personalised fashion, bespoke to your order specification, orders cannot be guaranteed to be cancelled after the 24hr period of grace as they will have been committed to our production process. Requests for cancellation after the initial 24hr period will be at the sole discretion of Miaboo Ltd.
If we are able to accept your cancellation request any monies refunded will be minus the costs we have incurred in processing any parts of your order up until the point we agree to the cancellation.
Requests for order cancellations after 24hrs of placing your order should be made in writing to clearly identifying your Miaboo order number and personal details.
Not happy with your purchase?
In the unlikely event that you have received your order and you are not happy for whatever reason we will accept your return. If your product has not been personalised in any way, we will accept returns and refund all monies on receipt of the returned product in its original state. If you have a personalised order and wish to return, we will accept any faulty goods and refund any monies on receipt of faulty items. Please notify us in writing initially explaining why you wish to return and we will assist you to do so. Though, we are confident that this will not be the case and hope that you and your furiend will be extremely happy with your purchase.
Faulty or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that you have received your ordered goods in a damaged or faulty condition please find our returns process below.
We will repair, exchange or refund faulty goods providing that any issues are not the result of reasonable wear and tear, inappropriate use of the product or deliberate damage. For example a broken zip or torn fabric would not be considered faulty if it has been chewed or torn by your dog.
Upon receipt of your ordered goods we require you to thoroughly inspect all items for damage or faults before allowing them to be used by your dog(s). If damage or faults are found on products you are required to inform Miaboo Ltd in writing at within 48hrs of accepting delivery of your order and wherever possible include photographic reference to the issue(s) you are notifying us of.
Once 48hrs has passed from delivery it will be deemed that your order has been received and inspected and found to be fault free.
If any of your goods are found to be damaged or faulty do not attempt to repair them yourself as doing so will mean we are no longer able to accept them for return, repair or exchange.
Do not allow your dog(s) to use the faulty goods for any period however small if you identify them as being damaged or faulty on receipt. By doing so we will assume that the goods were fit enough for purpose on inspection and the damage or fault has therefore been caused by reasonable wear and tear, inappropriate use or deliberate damage by your dog(s).
Once we have received your notification of faulty or damaged goods and reviewed the included photographic reference we will provide you with further feedback and if appropriate authorisation to return the goods to us for repair, refund or exchange.
Goods should be returned to Miaboo Ltd within 14 days of our authorisation of their return and you are to ensure they are suitably packaged to ensure they are not damaged during transportation. The risk of damage to items will remain with you until they have been received and inspected by us.
Upon satisfactory inspection by us and agreement that the goods you received were damaged or faulty we will repair, refund or exchange the goods at our discretion and return to you at our expense, reimbursing you for any reasonable costs associated with returning us the goods initially.
If having inspected the returned goods we deem the product is not faulty and any issue(s) are due to reasonable wear and tear, inappropriate use or deliberate damage we will contact you with a full explanation of our findings and offer to return the goods to you. Additional delivery charges may be incurred in returning your goods.
This returns and cancellations policy forms part of the terms and conditions associated with our full terms and conditions of website usage and purchasing of goods from Miaboo Ltd.